From social media to sports rage - SCME 2013 provides six workshop sessions
throughout the day for sports clubs to attend. Each attendee can choose three
workshops to attend. We have organised the sessions into two streams. Attendees
may select one of the two streams to attend, and optionally may watch both streams
online following the event.
Stream 1: Membership & Participation ·
Stream 2: Governance & Compliance ·
Special: National & State Peak Bodies only
Click any workshop to the left to view information
Building Participation – Volunteers and Membership
As sport grows in Australia, clubs are
struggling to recruit and retain volunteers. This two-part workshop covers
growing your organisation through managing your volunteers effectively, and
building participation through technology.
Running Time: 30 minutes
Recommended for: Development Officers, Registrars, Presidents
Takeaways: Workshop papers
Sue Cormack
Sue Noble
Volunteering Victoria
Social Media and Sports
10 years ago, hardly any sports clubs were using the Internet. Now, more than half
have a website, and some kind of social networking account. This workshop covers club
cyber safety, as well as an instructional overview on how (and why) to use Facebook,
Twitter and LinkedIn.
Running Time: 30 minutes
Recommended for: Development Officers, Presidents, Secretaries, Administrators
Takeaways: Guides on setting up social networks
Chris Woutersz
Director Aware Education
Steve Hubbard
Director West2East ReCreation
Sponsorship, Grants and Fundraising
Without money, sports clubs could not survive. This workshop covers how to raise
money for your club via sponsorship, grants and fundraising - as well as new and
innovative ways to generate funds. This talk will feature
lightning pitches from several sports startups whose main business is helping clubs
to raise money through new methods.
Running Time: 30 minutes
Recommended for: Presidents, Treasurers, Development Officers
Takeaways: Fundraising guides
Special Inclusions: Lightning pitches from startups in this field.
Steve Pallas
Sports Community
Sports, Risk and the Fine Print
This workshop covers risk management for your club, insurance requirements,
the latest Victorian Working With Children requirements and association laws. In an
era where sports must be protected, this is a workshop that your
club cannot afford to miss.
Running Time: 30 minutes
Recommended for: Any committee-level position
Takeaways: Workshop papers on varied legal requirements, guides to new
WH&S laws, Working with Children requirements
Paul Horvath
Principal Sports Lawyer
Albert Bentincontri
Deputy Director
Working with Children Check Unit, Department of Justice
Complaints and Sports Rage
This workshop covers how to make your club a fair, safe, and inclusive place for
both children and adults. Playing by the rules, and ensuring the proper processes
are in place to handle complaints, member protection, and stamping out sports
rage are critical for the survival and reputation of every club.
Running Time: 30 minutes
Recommended for: Any committee-level position, MPIOs, Complaints Officers
Takeaways: Workshop papers
Peter Downs
National Manager Play By The Rules
Governance in Sport
Running meetings, the Good Sports program, and making sure your club is
run for the benefit of the many, not for the few. Ensuring your club is managed
in the best way possible means you can focus on what really matters: playing
the game.
Consumer Affairs Victoria will also be ensuring that good governance is maintained
and will be detailing the legal requirements for associations to be incorporated
in Victoria.
Running Time: 30 minutes
Recommended for: Presidents, Secretaries, any committee-level position
Takeaways: Workshop papers
Rod-Glenn Smith
VIC & SA Manager Australian Drug Foundation
Tricia Hull
Consumer Affairs Victoria
Building Participation Using Technology
Over the next
ten years, the use of technology and data in growing participation at the grassroots
level will become critical to the success of Australia in the sporting arena. State
and National peak bodies are in a prime position to make committments now to protect
and grow their sport.
Running Time: 30 minutes
Recommended for: Development Officers, Participation Managers, CEOs, Executive Officers
Takeaways: Special - Notes & Giveaway
Alex Mednis
Director thinkrelativity